Source code for openscm_units._unit_registry

Definition of our unit registry

See also `docs/source/notebooks/`
from __future__ import annotations

import math
from typing import Any

import globalwarmingpotentials
import pandas as pd
import pint

from import MIXTURES

# Standard gases. If the value is:
# - str: this entry defines a base gas unit
# - list: this entry defines a derived unit
#    - the first entry defines how to convert from base units
#    - other entries define other names i.e. aliases
_STANDARD_GASES: dict[str, str | list[str]] = {
    # CO2, CH4, N2O
    "C": "carbon",
    "CO2": ["12/44 * C", "carbon_dioxide"],
    "CH4": "methane",
    "HC50": ["CH4"],
    "N2O": "nitrous_oxide",
    "N2ON": ["44/28 * N2O", "nitrous_oxide_farming_style"],
    "N": "nitrogen",
    "NO2": ["14/46 * N", "nitrogen_dioxide"],
    # aerosol precursors
    "NOx": "NOx",
    "nox": ["NOx"],
    "NH3": "NH3",
    "ammonia": ["NH3"],
    "S": "sulfur",
    "SO2": ["32/64 * S", "sulfur_dioxide"],
    "SOx": ["SO2"],
    "BC": "black_carbon",
    "OC": "OC",
    "CO": "carbon_monoxide",
    "VOC": "VOC",
    "NMVOC": ["VOC", "non_methane_volatile_organic_compounds"],
    # CFCs
    "CFC11": "CFC11",
    "CFC12": "CFC12",
    "CFC13": "CFC13",
    "CFC113": "CFC113",
    "CFC114": "CFC114",
    "CFC115": "CFC115",
    # hydrocarbons
    "C2H6": "ethane",
    "HC170": ["C2H6"],
    "C3H8": "propane",
    "HC290": ["C3H8"],
    "HC600": "HC600",
    "butane": ["HC600"],
    "HC600a": "HC600a",
    "isobutane": ["HC600a"],
    "HC601": "HC601",
    "pentane": ["HC601"],
    "HC601a": "HC601a",
    "isopentane": ["HC601a"],
    "HCE170": "HCE170",
    "HO1270": "HO1270",
    "propene": ["HO1270"],
    # HCFCs
    "HCFC21": "HCFC21",
    "HCFC22": "HCFC22",
    "HCFC31": "HCFC31",
    "HCFC123": "HCFC123",
    "HCFC124": "HCFC124",
    "HCFC141b": "HCFC141b",
    "HCFC142b": "HCFC142b",
    "HCFC225ca": "HCFC225ca",
    "HCFC225cb": "HCFC225cb",
    # HFCs
    "HFC23": "HFC23",
    "HFC32": "HFC32",
    "HFC41": "HFC41",
    "HFC125": "HFC125",
    "HFC134": "HFC134",
    "HFC134a": "HFC134a",
    "HFC143": "HFC143",
    "HFC143a": "HFC143a",
    "HFC152": "HFC152",
    "HFC152a": "HFC152a",
    "HFC161": "HFC161",
    "HFC227ea": "HFC227ea",
    "HFC236cb": "HFC236cb",
    "HFC236ea": "HFC236ea",
    "HFC236fa": "HFC236fa",
    "HFC245ca": "HFC245ca",
    "HFC245fa": "HFC245fa",
    "HFC365mfc": "HFC365mfc",
    "HFC4310mee": "HFC4310mee",
    "HFC4310": ["HFC4310mee"],
    "HFC1336mzz": "HFC1336mzz",
    # Halogenated gases
    "Halon1201": "Halon1201",
    "Halon1202": "Halon1202",
    "Halon1211": "Halon1211",
    "Halon1301": "Halon1301",
    "Halon2402": "Halon2402",
    # PFCs
    "CF4": "CF4",
    "C2F6": "C2F6",
    "PFC116": ["C2F6"],
    "cC3F6": "cC3F6",
    "C3F8": "C3F8",
    "PFC218": ["C3F8"],
    "cC4F8": "cC4F8",
    "PFCC318": ["cC4F8"],
    "C4F10": "C4F10",
    "C5F12": "C5F12",
    "C6F14": "C6F14",
    "C7F16": "C7F16",
    "C8F18": "C8F18",
    "C10F18": "C10F18",
    # Fluorinated ethers
    "HFE125": "HFE125",
    "HFE134": "HFE134",
    "HFE143a": "HFE143a",
    "HCFE235da2": "HCFE235da2",
    "HFE245cb2": "HFE245cb2",
    "HFE245fa2": "HFE245fa2",
    "HFE347mcc3": "HFE347mcc3",
    "HFE347pcf2": "HFE347pcf2",
    "HFE356pcc3": "HFE356pcc3",
    "HFE449sl": "HFE449sl",
    "HFE569sf2": "HFE569sf2",
    "HFE4310pccc124": "HFE4310pccc124",
    "HFE236ca12": "HFE236ca12",
    "HFE338pcc13": "HFE338pcc13",
    "HFE227ea": "HFE227ea",
    "HFE236ea2": "HFE236ea2",
    "HFE236fa": "HFE236fa",
    "HFE245fa1": "HFE245fa1",
    "HFE263fb2": "HFE263fb2",
    "HFE329mcc2": "HFE329mcc2",
    "HFE338mcf2": "HFE338mcf2",
    "HFE347mcf2": "HFE347mcf2",
    "HFE356mec3": "HFE356mec3",
    "HFE356pcf2": "HFE356pcf2",
    "HFE356pcf3": "HFE356pcf3",
    "HFE365mcf3": "HFE365mcf3",
    "HFE374pc2": "HFE374pc2",
    # Perfluoropolyethers
    # Hydrofluoroolefins
    "HFO1234yf": "HFO1234yf",
    "HFO1234ze": "HFO1234ze",
    # Misc
    "CCl4": "CCl4",
    "CHCl3": "CHCl3",
    "CH2Cl2": "CH2Cl2",
    "CH3CCl3": "CH3CCl3",
    "CH3Cl": "CH3Cl",
    "CH3Br": "CH3Br",
    "SF5CF3": "SF5CF3",
    "SF6": "SF6",
    "SO2F2": "SO2F2",
    "NF3": "NF3",
    "HCO1130": "HCO1130",

[docs]class ScmUnitRegistry(pint.UnitRegistry): """ Unit registry class. Provides some convenience methods to add standard units and contexts. """ _contexts_added = False def __init__( self, *args: Any, metric_conversions: pd.DataFrame | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ): """ Initialise the unit registry Parameters ---------- metric_conversions :obj:`pd.DataFrame` containing the metric conversions. ``metric_conversions`` must have an index named ``"Species"`` that contains the different species and columns which contain the conversion for different metrics (the name of the metrics is taken from the column names).If not supplied, the ``globalwarmingpotentials`` package is used. *args Passed to the ``__init__`` method of the super class **kwargs Passed to the ``__init__`` method of the super class """ self._metric_conversions = metric_conversions # If we didn't call init here, we wouldn't need to rebuild the cache # below but that also feels like a bad pattern super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_standards(self) -> None: """ Add standard units. Has to be done separately because of pint's weird initialising. """ self._add_gases(_STANDARD_GASES) self._add_gases({x: x for x in MIXTURES}) self.define("a = 1 * year = annum = yr") self.define("h = hour") self.define("d = day") self.define("degreeC = degC") self.define("degreeF = degF") self.define("kt = 1000 * t") # since kt is used for "knot" in the defaults self.define( "Tt = 1000000000000 * t" ) # since Tt is used for "tex" in the defaults self.define("ppm = [concentrations]") self.define("ppb = ppm / 1000") self.define("ppt = ppb / 1000") # Have to rebuild cache to get right units for ppm as it is defined in # pint self._build_cache()
[docs] def enable_contexts( self, *names_or_contexts: str | pint.facets.context.objects.Context, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """ Overload pint's :func:`enable_contexts` This ensures we only add contexts once (the first time they are used) to avoid (unnecessary) operations. Parameters ---------- names_or_contexts Names of contexts or :obj:`pint.registry.UnitRegistry.Context` objects to enable kwargs Passed to :meth:`enable_contexts` of the parent class """ if not self._contexts_added: self._add_contexts() self._contexts_added = True super().enable_contexts(*names_or_contexts, **kwargs)
def _add_mass_emissions_joint_version(self, symbol: str) -> None: """ Add a unit which is the combination of mass and emissions. This allows users to units like e.g. ``"tC"`` rather than requiring a space between the mass and the emissions i.e. ``"t C"`` Parameters ---------- symbol The unit to add a joint version for """ self.define(f"g{symbol} = g * {symbol}") self.define(f"t{symbol} = t * {symbol}") def _add_gases(self, gases: dict[str, str | list[str]]) -> None: for symbol, value in gases.items(): if isinstance(value, str): # symbol is base unit self.define(f"{symbol} = [{value}]") if value != symbol: self.define(f"{value} = {symbol}") else: # symbol has conversion and aliases self.define(f"{symbol} = {value[0]}") for alias in value[1:]: self.define(f"{alias} = {symbol}") self._add_mass_emissions_joint_version(symbol) # Add alias for upper case symbol: if symbol.upper() != symbol: self.define(f"{symbol.upper()} = {symbol}") self._add_mass_emissions_joint_version(symbol.upper()) def _add_contexts(self) -> None: """ Add contexts """ _ch4_context = pint.Context("CH4_conversions") _ch4_context = self._add_transformations_to_context( _ch4_context, "[methane]", self.CH4, "[carbon]", self.C, 12 / 16, ) self.add_context(_ch4_context) _n2o_context = pint.Context("N2O_conversions") _n2o_context = self._add_transformations_to_context( _n2o_context, "[nitrous_oxide]", self.nitrous_oxide, "[nitrogen]", self.nitrogen, 14 / 44, ) self.add_context(_n2o_context) _nox_context = pint.Context("NOx_conversions") _nox_context = self._add_transformations_to_context( _nox_context, "[nitrogen]", self.nitrogen, "[NOx]", self.NOx, (14 + 2 * 16) / 14, ) self.add_context(_nox_context) _nh3_context = pint.Context("NH3_conversions") _nh3_context = self._add_transformations_to_context( _nh3_context, "[nitrogen]", self.nitrogen, "[NH3]", self.NH3, (14 + 3) / 14, ) self.add_context(_nh3_context) self._add_metric_conversions() def _add_metric_conversions(self) -> None: """ Add metric conversion contexts """ if self._metric_conversions is None: metric_conversions = globalwarmingpotentials.as_frame() else: metric_conversions = self._metric_conversions self._add_metric_conversions_from_df(metric_conversions) def _add_metric_conversions_from_df(self, metric_conversions: pd.DataFrame) -> None: # could make this public in future for col in metric_conversions: metric_conversion: pd.Series[float] = metric_conversions[col] transform_context = pint.Context(str(col)) for label, val in metric_conversion.items(): transform_context = self._add_gwp_to_context( transform_context, str(label), val ) for mixture in MIXTURES: constituents = self.split_gas_mixture(1 * self(mixture)) try: val = sum( c.magnitude * metric_conversion[str(c.units)] for c in constituents ) except KeyError: # gwp not available for all constituents continue if math.isnan(val): continue transform_context = self._add_gwp_to_context( transform_context, mixture, val ) self.add_context(transform_context) def _add_gwp_to_context( self, transform_context: pint.facets.context.objects.Context, label: str, val: float, ) -> pint.facets.context.objects.Context: conv_val = ( val * (self("CO2").to_base_units()).magnitude / (self(label).to_base_units()).magnitude ) base_unit = next( iter(self._get_dimensionality(self(label).to_base_units()._units).keys()) ) base_unit_ureg = self(base_unit.replace("[", "").replace("]", "")) return self._add_transformations_to_context( transform_context, base_unit, base_unit_ureg, "[carbon]", self("carbon"), conv_val, ) @staticmethod def _add_transformations_to_context( # noqa: PLR0913 context: pint.facets.context.objects.Context, base_unit: str, base_unit_ureg: pint.registry.UnitRegistry.Unit | pint.registry.UnitRegistry.Quantity, other_unit: str, other_unit_ureg: pint.registry.UnitRegistry.Unit | pint.registry.UnitRegistry.Quantity, conv_val: float, ) -> pint.facets.context.objects.Context: """ Add all the transformations between units to a context for the two given units Transformations are mass x unit per time, mass x unit etc. """ def _get_transform_func( forward: bool, ) -> pint.facets.context.objects.Transformation: if forward: def result_forward( ureg: pint.registry.UnitRegistry, value: pint.registry.UnitRegistry.Quantity, **kwargs: Any, ) -> pint.registry.UnitRegistry.Quantity: out: pint.registry.UnitRegistry.Quantity = ( value * other_unit_ureg / base_unit_ureg * conv_val ) return out return result_forward # type: ignore # cannot make pint behave def result_backward( ureg: pint.registry.UnitRegistry, value: pint.registry.UnitRegistry.Quantity, **kwargs: Any, ) -> pint.registry.UnitRegistry.Quantity: out: pint.registry.UnitRegistry.Quantity = ( value * (base_unit_ureg / other_unit_ureg) / conv_val ) return out return result_backward # type: ignore # cannot make pint behave formatters = [ "{}", "[mass] * {} / [time]", "[mass] * {}", "{} / [time]", ] for fmt_str in formatters: context.add_transformation( fmt_str.format(base_unit), fmt_str.format(other_unit), _get_transform_func(forward=True), ) context.add_transformation( fmt_str.format(other_unit), fmt_str.format(base_unit), _get_transform_func(forward=False), ) return context
[docs] def split_gas_mixture( self, quantity: pint.Quantity ) -> list[pint.registry.UnitRegistry.Quantity]: """ Split a gas mixture into constituent gases. Parameters ---------- quantity Pint quantity to split Returns ------- List of constituent gases """ mixture_dimensions = [ x for x in quantity.dimensionality.keys() if x[1:-1] in MIXTURES ] if not mixture_dimensions: raise ValueError("Dimensions don't contain a gas mixture.") # noqa: TRY003 if len(mixture_dimensions) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "More than one gas mixture in dimensions is not supported." ) mixture_dimension = mixture_dimensions[0] if quantity.dimensionality[mixture_dimension] != 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Mixture has dimensionality " f"{quantity.dimensionality[mixture_dimension]}" " != 1, which is not supported." ) mixture = MIXTURES[mixture_dimension[1:-1]] mixture_unit = self(mixture_dimension[1:-1]) ret = [] for constituent, (fraction_pct, _, _) in mixture.items(): constituent_unit = self(constituent) ret.append(quantity / mixture_unit * fraction_pct / 100 * constituent_unit) return ret